Our 2019-2023 Strategic Plan highlights our three priority areas which aim to strengthen our national and international partnerships to progress breast cancer research, to ensure our scientific rigour in our research activities, to foster and engage our membership, and to deliver open and transparent communications.

Professor Sarah-Jane Dawson is the BCT Study Chair of the CAPTURE clinical trial.
Breast Cancer Trials has been tracking eighteen key performance indicators (KPI’s) to measure progress towards achieving the Strategic Plan. As at March 2022, seventeen of those KPI’s are tracking ahead, or close to target. KPI’s are revised on an annual basis.

Pillar 1
World Class Multidisciplinary Breast Cancer Clinical Trials
Leading and proactively contributing to national and international breast cancer clinical trials relevant to the Australian and New Zealand population.
Leading a diverse clinical research portfolio covering clinically relevant and consumer-centred research questions across the breast cancer continuum.
Fostering a vibrant and engaged breast cancer research community with the capacity to conduct innovative breast cancer clinical trials.

Sustainable Foundations for Research
Responsibly sourcing and being transparent about the use of funds.
Creating the optimal foundation for our research through the skills, capabilities and capacity of our governance and workforce.
Maximising the efficiency and effectiveness of clinical trial operations and organisational processes through effective use of technology.

Driving Awareness and Influencing Change
Positioning Breast Cancer Trials as the national and international leader in breast cancer research through strategic communications and marketing of our research agenda, activities, progress and outcomes.
Using our voice and influence to address barriers to clinical research and strengthening the translation of our research outcomes into practice.