Our Supporters
Individual givers
Individuals throughout Australia gave generously this year in response to our Appeals and as members of our Monthly Giving Program. Our research would not be possible without our wonderful community of supporters, and we are grateful for their commitment to saving and improving the lives of every person affected by breast cancer.
We also thank the many individuals and their families who shared their personal experience of breast cancer in our communications. Like Kristy Telford (pictured below) who was 29 years old and 29 weeks pregnant with her second child when she was diagnosed with breast cancer.

Kristy Telford, pictured with her family, featured in our 2021 Tax Appeal.
Kristy had surgery to remove the two cancers in her breast and then she was induced at 37 weeks. After the birth, she planned some time at home to bond with her newborn Isobel and have cuddles with her two-year old daughter Anna. Instead she was in hospital grappling with the news her breast cancer had spread to her liver, was incurable – and could rob her of the chance to see her little girls grow up. “My biggest fear was the amount of time I might have left with my children. That I wasn’t going to get to do the things I’d always planned to do and see,” said Kristy.
Kristy shared her story in our Tax Appeal which raised funds to support the CAPTURE clinical trial. This trial could identify a new treatment for women and men with hormone-receptor positive breast cancer whose cancer has spread to other parts of the body. Many of these people develop resistance to the current range of treatments and die from their disease. The CAPTURE trial could identify a new way to prolong their lives.

In our Christmas Appeal, Malea Parker (pictured with her family below) shared her breast cancer experience and the impact of chemotherapy treatment on her and her family. Malea wanted to do everything she could to save her life and was grateful for the chemotherapy treatment she received. However, everyone reacts to chemotherapy differently and unfortunately many can suffer awful side effects some of which are short term, others may be life-long. Malea told us that losing her hair wasn’t as bad as the terrible joint pain and fatigue she experienced, which meant she struggled to be the mum her young boys needed. This Christmas Appeal raised funds to support the OPTIMA clinical trial which could transform breast cancer treatment and spare women like Malea from chemotherapy and its negative side effects, without compromise to their survival. Many of our supporters identified with Malea’s experience of chemotherapy and responded generously to the Appeal.

We remember all those who have lost their lives to breast cancer this past year. Our sincere condolences go to the families of our supporters who sadly passed away during the year too, and we acknowledge all donations given in memory of loved ones.
Community Activists